Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are sad to announce that The Underground Bar has closed.
Rendezvous Restaurant, upstairs from the bar, has gone out of business. As our bar utilised the restaurant's liquor licence to serve alcohol and its kitchen to provide food this means we have had to close our doors too.
As you can imagine, we are extremely disappointed that this has happened. We had worked hard to create a place like-minded people could come to enjoy some great local beer as well as enjoy the company of friends and family. And we were really pleased with how the bar was going. In the end we only had a couple of days notice, so didn't have a chance to explain the situation to many of our customers face-to-face.
Thank you so much for your support since we opened! We have met a lot of wonderful characters, and had a lot of fun showing-off our beer to both locals and visitors to town.
Please keep the faith. We are very hopeful that once the dust settles another opportunity will arise and there'll be another Croucher bar here in Rotorua in one form or another. And when this happens be assured that we'll track you down to make sure you know what we are up to.
Cheers, thanks, and all the best...
Nigel Gregory & Paul Croucher
The Croucher Brewing Company
PS. A huge thanks to Jo, who shared bar duties with Nige. We loved your work!!!