Friday, November 6, 2009

the UNDERGROUND bar goes Movember

Yes, next time you come in you'll notice the ugly mo growing (slowly) on Nigel's top lip. He's going for one of those hideously plain 'slug on the top lip' mo's.

The UNDERGROUND bar has formed it's own Movember team, and we'd love you to join up too (or show your support). You don't have to be a 'mo grower' to get involved, so even the ladies join the team.

We'll be collecting loose change at the bar to raise money for the Movember causes - The Cancer Society and the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. Plus you can also donate online. Thanks for your support.

Please forward this to anyone in Rotorua growing a mo, and encourage them to join our team!

See you at the Underground.

Monday, November 2, 2009

UNDERGROUND now also opening on Tuesdays

We've had a few requests to open the UNDERGROUND bar earlier in the week. Therefore, since we love keeping our customers happy, from this week we are adding TUESDAYS to our opening hours.

To celebrate the first TUESDAY night (that is tomorrow) it is going to be happy hour on tap beer and house wines ALL evening. The bar will be open at 4pm, so please come in and support our new opening night.

We have also taken the opportunity to extend our mid-week hours as we have been finding people are keen to stick around a bit longer on a Wednesday and Thursday. New hours are below...

** NEW **  UNDERGROUND Bar Hours:
Tues 4pm - 8pm
Wed 4pm - 10pm
Thu 4pm - 10pm
Fri 4pm - 11pm
Sat 4pm - 11pm
Sun 2pm - 6pm